Ar air fy Iesu mâd

(Y fordaith ysbrydol)
  Ar air fy Iesu mâd,
    Mi âf i'r môr yn rhydd;
  Gadawaf fy hen wlad
    Mewn cwsg o bechod sydd;
O gariad y canlynaf Ef,
Gan hwylio gyda'i blant i'r nef.

  Ef sydd Fôr-lywydd doeth,
    Ei air fy nghwmpas yw;
  Af trwy bob drychin noeth,
    A chenyf y fath Dduw!
Ei allu a'i ffyddlondeb mawr
A'm ceidw'n mhob profedig awr.

  Er sugn-draethydd drwg,
    A chreigiau ar fy nhaith,
  Ei lygad Ef a'm dwg
    Tros donau'r cefnfor maith;
Fy nghobaith, megys angor gref,
A ddeil ei afael ynddo Ef.

              Rhan II

  Os hwylio'n drwm a wnaf,
    Pan gilio'r drychin draw,
  Rhag niwed, O fy Naf!
    Bydd di o hyd ger llaw:
'R wy'n ofni heddwch gau y byd,
Yn fwy na'i 'stormydd oll yn nghyd.

  Mi wela'r tir drwy ffydd -
    Yr hafan bythol yw!
  O! hwylia, f'enaid prudd,
    I fynwes Iesu gwiw!
O! am gyrhaeddyd nefol nyth,
Lle na ddaw dim tymmestloedd byth.

  Chwyth, Ysbryd Glân, yn awr!
    Nefolaidd awel gref,
  A'm hwylia oddi ar y llawr,
    I'm cartref yn y nef:
O fyd a chnawd, âg uchel hŵyl,
I'r porthladd âf i gadw gŵyl.
James Hughes (Iago Trichrug) 1779-1844

[Mesur: 666688]

gwelir: Mi wela'r tir trwy ffydd

(The spiritual voyage)
  On the word of my good Jesus,
    I shall go to the sea freely;
  I shall leave my old land
    In sleep from sin that it;
From love I shall follow him,
While sailing with his children to heaven.

  He is a wise Commodore,
    His word my compass is;
  I shall go through all naked bad weather,
    While I have such a God!
His power and his great faithfulness
Shall keep me in every testing hour.

  Despite evil quicksands,
    And rocks on my journey,
  His eye shall lead me
    Over the waves of the great ocean;
My hope, like a strong anchor,
Shall keep its hold upon him.

                  Part 2

  If I shall sail heavily,
    When the bad weather retreats yonder,
  Against harm, O my Master,
    Be thou at hand!
I am fearing the false peace of the world,
More than all its storms altogether.

  I see the land through faith -
    The everlasting haven it is!
  O sail, my sad soul,
    To the bosom of worthy Jesus!
O to reach a heavenly nest,
Where no tempests shall ever come.

  Blow, Holy Spirit, now!
    A strong heavenly breeze,
  That shall sail me from earth below,
    To my home in heaven:
From world and flesh, in great spirits,
To the harbour I shall go to keep festival.
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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